Preklad: Natalus
FT: Pravdepodobne ste v týchto dňoch dosť zaneprázdnený.
AS: Áno, vnímam to každý deň. Pár dní dozadu boli až 40
stupňové teploty, aj keď sa to ťažko znáša, od istého času si myslím, že práve
takto sa dá lepšie pochopiť „duša leta“. Koniec koncov, leto má byť horúce. Keď
sa postupne stišujú „min-min“ cikády a začnú spievať tie večerné, začne
vám byť ľúto za odchádzajúcim letom, je tak?
FT: Myslela som si, že ste tak pohltený prácou, že nad tým
ani nerozmýšľate.
AS: Nahrávacie štúdio sa nachádza na mieste s množstvom
zelene. Cikády tam cvrlikajú ako šialené. Mám to tam len na skok, potom sa úplne ponorím
do pracovnej atmosféry. Po skončení nahrávania vyjdem na ulicu a počujem ohlušujúci
zbor: „Miiin-miiin-miiin!“ Veru, je dôležité vnímať krásu ročného obdobia. Ako sa
schyľuje k večeru, môžete počuť aj iný hmyz.....Keď zavádzam reč na takéto
témy, asi si myslíte: „Mm...už starne“ (*úsmev*).
FT: Nič také (*úsmev*).
AS: Kedysi som nemal rád leto, ale teraz mám pocit, akoby
boli spievajúce cikády doslova zborom života. Akoby každá z nich opakovala:
„Som živá!“ Predsa len, leto je krásne.
FT: You are probably very busy these days.
AS: I can feel it every day. A few days ago the temperature
reached 40 degrees, though it’s hard to cope with heat like that, a while back
I started to think the spirit of summer can be felt much better in this
way. After all the summer is supposed to be hot. When the chirping min-min
cicadas are gradually becoming silent and the twilight cicadas start to sing,
you can feel a sorrow that comes with summer’s end, right?
FT: I thought you are so absorbed in recording that you
don’t even think of it.
AS: The studio is located in a place with a lot of
greenery all around. Cicadas are chirping like crazy there. It just takes me
one step to the studio, then I completely immerse myself in the working
atmosphere and after finishing the recording I come out to the street and
there is a deafening choir: „Miiin-miiin-miiin!“ Well, it’s important to
perceive beauty of the seasons. At the start of the evening you can hear
another insects..... When I broach such talks, you probably think: „Mm...he got
old“ (*smile*).
FT: Nothing like that (*smile*)
AS: I didn’t like summer before
but now it seems to me that cicada singing is a choir of life. It is as if
each of them repeated: „ I am alive!“ Nevertheless, summer is beautiful.
Thanks for this! :D
ReplyDeleteYou're welcome! :) Hope I will have more time to translate something else because my semester has already started... btw I've recently found your blog and read you attended a live B-T show. You're so lucky! I really enjoyed that article :)
DeleteThanks so much! I'm going to see The Mortal in November so I'll be sure to write a full report. :) All translations are much appreciated. :D
DeleteOh that's amazing!!! I'm really looking forward to your report and wish you a good place as close to the stage as possible :)
DeleteThank you, Natalus. :D