15 September 2015

Hidehiko Hoshino

     Trochu tajomný člen kapely. Zvyčajne pokojný a flegmatický.Od detstva nepočuje na ľavé ucho, no napriek tomuto hendikepu je úžasné, že sa naučil výborne hrať na hudobný nástroj a skladá tie najkrajšie baladické melódie, ktoré ma dokážu pohltiť ako oceán alebo odviať do diaľav až ku hviezdam.

 Viac sa dozviete tu: BT Zone/Hidehiko Hoshino

He is quite mysterious band member. Usually calm and phlegmatic. From early childhood he can’t hear out of his left ear, but despite this handicap, he learned to play the musical instrument and he composes the most beautiful baladic melodies that can swallow me like an ocean or blow me away to the farthest stars.

Here's a lovely description of Hoshino-san's personality by my friend

The epitome of tranquility; a man veiled in mystery whose gentle soul and calm nature soothes the fires of those around him. As a human being, he captivated my everlasting interest when he made me smile and laugh (after so long!) during “Mermaid" in one of the live shows — as a musician, he inspired me with his courage,
enthusiasm, and willingness to expand his talents from rhythm guitarist to backing vocalist and keyboardist — as a sportsman, who pursued his childhood dream of playing football (also known as “soccer” in the States), he reminded me that you are never too old to set a new dream or goal, no matter where or at what point you are in your lifetime.

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