Originally translated by: Pikopiko
Preklad: Natalus
FT: Album I AM MORTAL je ponurý od prvej piesne až po poslednú. Mám však dojem, že nie ste sám..alebo lepšie povedané, nehľadáte samotu ale ľudské teplo.
AS: Keď znova počúvam album po tom, čo je dokončený, áno.. mám ten pocit, že nie som sám, nehľadiac na samotu, v ktorej sa nachádzam. Máte pravdu, je to presne to, čo hľadám. Počas celého albumu opakujem jednu a tú istú vec: "Nie, nie, nechcem zomrieť sám!" V konečnom dôsledku, nech by som sa akokoľvek naparoval, pretvarujúc sa, že je mi samému dobre, že aj v samote vidím krásu, nakoniec nerobím nič iné, len fňukám: "Nechcem, toto nechcem."
FT: The full album I AM MORTAL is gloomy from the first to the last song. However I got the impression that you're not alone or better said you're not searching for solitude but human warmth.
AS: When listening to the album again after it is completely finished, yes... there's a feeling that I'm not alone regardless of the solitude I'm in. You're right, this is exactly what I'm looking for. Throughout the whole album I repeat the same thing: "No, no, I don't want to die alone. After all even if I boast and pretend that I feel good being alone, finding a great beauty in solitude, in the end I'm just doing nothing but whimpering: "I don't want this, just don't want this."
FT: Mimochodom, na DVD ste všetci mali klobúky. Zdá sa mi...ako to povedať... vyzerali ste ako takí rojkovia.
AS: Odhliadnuc od toho, že sa vám tak môžeme javiť, ubezpečujem vás, že sme všetci seriózni dospeláci *úsmev*. Napriek tomu by som rád povedal: "Zažite katarziu z uvedomenia si vlastnej smrteľnosti a snívajte!"
FT: By the way, you all wore hats in PV's. It seemed to me that.. how should I say it... you look like the castle-builders.
AS: Apart from the fact that we may be considered to be the castle-builders, we're all serious grown-ups *smile*. Nonetheless I would like to say: "Go through a catharsis of realizing your own mortality and dream!"
FT: Aký ste mali rok?
AS: Po tom, ako sme začali s The Mortal, všetko bolo veľmi vyčerpávajúce. Každý deň som robil veľa rozhodnutí, každý deň som si opakoval: "Nerozptyľuj sa, si predsa THE MORTAL!"
FT: How was your year?
AS: After beginning with The Mortal, it was very exhausting. Everyday I made many decisions, everyday I repeated to myself: "Don't distract yourself, you're THE MORTAL!"
Thanks so much for this! I get the F-T mail and look through the book and it's so frustrating not to be able to read it!
ReplyDeleteYou're very welcome! :) I'd like to translate the whole article for you but it would took me an entire month :D So I always try to choose those parts where he talks about personal things.
DeleteHe was also very happy while reading e-mails from fans who reacted positively to cover songs on the "Spirit" and he talked about good relationships between him and other members (yes, they went out drinking together after finishing the album :D )
Cool. :D It's great to get even bits of it, so for all your efforts I thank you!